酒干通賣唔?Holiday Waste: How Not to Throw Out Your Old ElectronicsMORE: E-Waste Not1) Re-gift them: If you’re a younger child, you’ve experienced this for yourself: the hand-me-down wardrobe. (Sorry, Sean.) It goes against our constant itch for the new, but there’s no 代償reason why you couldn’t hand that iPhone 3S off to another member of your extended family or friend network. Not everyone needs Siri (and let’s face it—she’s sort of the worst). Our consumer electronics may be designed for obsolescence, but that doesn’t mean you need to 濾桶follow the plan. And if you can’t find anyone you know to take your old gadgets…2) Donate them: Ever heard of the digital gap? Do your part in closing it by donating your gadgets and computers to charity—after you’ve wiped your data from the device. (In fact, that’s 面膜probably a good idea if you’re regifting a computer to a relative, unless you want your 8-year-old cousin to have easy access to your web surfing record.) As the Los Angeles Times reports, one of the best places to find worthy recipients is EBay’s Rethink Initiative, which 新成屋includes a list of organizations that can make use of your leftover electronics. Among them is Cell Phones for Soldiers, which provides gently used phones for deployed and returning troops. I’ll be sending the group my two-year-old iPhone 3S.MORE: The E-Waste Blight Grows 租房子More Dangerous Than Ever3) Be capitalistic: Of course, maybe you’d like to cash in your old gadgets for actual cash, as opposed to karma. You can sell your old phones and computers on any auction or classified site, but if that’s too much work, you can use a digital 買屋middleman like The company will quote a price, and you can either send the gadget directly to them, or trade it in at a Target superstore—a useful option if you’re dealing with a large desktop or similar-sized device. You can also try Gazelle, where I see 婚禮佈置that my iPhone 3S would have fetched around $100. Again, do not forget to erase your data.4) Recycle it: This is trickier than it sounds because not every e-waste recycler is doing it right. Far too many old phones, TVs and computers are shipped overseas to countries like 東森房屋China , India or Ghana , where the very poor do the dangerous—and unprotected—work of dismantling 過了聖誕節就有好多舊的電子產品, 怎麼處理呢? 如果就丟棄, 對地球絕對不好, 有毒產品可能會滲入土壤有害人體, 作者4箇好方法與大家分享, (有沒有用?讀者自行參考) 1. 送給遠親, 2. 捐出去(訂做禮服如宗教團體經營的2手商店) 3. 賣 4. 回收再賣給第三世界國家Read more: more: 房地產

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